We would like to say hello and welcome. A little about me, I am a 2 year old Basset Hound and my heart belongs to two great hoomans, my mom and dad or better known as Paula and Chris. These two picked me up on the way back home from Walt Disney World, along with their best friend Brandi and our bond was instant. We shared many memories, inspiration and playtimes along the way. We started our facebook and the page just grew. During this time in the background my hoomans where very busy doing things with shelters and different charities and before long I was involved too, this last Christmas, I made many friends at all the shelters that I have been to. We checked upon them until they all had homes. We continue to share inspiration daily on my facebook page just remember this baby basset feels the love of all my fans. So thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to our new letter and visit our facebook page daily , dont forget to invite a few friends to our new website and facebook page. The video below is a little more of what we have in store for our future. Always remember this lil baby basset loves you all. LEMMY...